Blackbox is a fully open source design years in the making. Proven results over multiple iterations creates a solid foundation for a community driven machine limited only by our imaginations.
Build Area = 300x300x275(Z)
Tool-Changing = Up to 5 chassis mounted tools
FDM = Up to 5 direct drive FDM tool heads with excellent positional accuracy via kinematic coupling. Support for multiple hot end configurations. Unique X-axis mounted extruder motor saves cost AND weight.
Watercooling = Passive watercooling of all tools at all times in addition to a passively cooled extruder stepper
CoreXY Motion System = Intuitive belt routing with easy to use tensioning system.
Belt Driven Z-Axis = Extremely fast belted Z axis with counterweight system.
Enclosure = Fully enclosed build volume including a hinged hood
REPRAP = Designed in the spirit of Reprap utilizing easily obtainable and 3D printable parts.
Wiring = Designed with clean and functional wiring in mind.
Bed Leveling and End Stops = Designed to use mechanical switches or digital endstops on XY. Mechanical switch or Duet IR Probe for automatic Z leveling.
Tool Offsets: Fully automated tool offset configuration using the late Danal Estes TAMV alignment system run from a Raspberry Pi.
Heated Bed: Options for 24V and 120/240V heating.